AUGUST DUDENBOSTEL, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots and
shoes at Campbell Hill, is a native of Hanover, Germany. He was born
February 4, 1838, and is a son of Henry Dudenbostel, a German farmer. He was
reared on his father's farm, and acquired a good education in his native
land. At the age of eighteen he entered the German cavalry, enlisting for
ten years' service, and was always stationed at Hanover. On the expiration
of his term he was discharged, and in the fall of 1866 he came to America,
in company with his brother, E. A. Dudenbostel. Landing at New Orleans, he
first located at Chester. Ill., and thence went to Evansville, where he
began clerking in his brother's store. He there learned business methods and
the English language.
After two years Mr. Dudenbostel went to Rockwood, and for the two succeeding years was employed as traveling salesman for a nursery. On the expiration of that period he opened a general store in Wine Hill and built up a good business, which he successfully carried on for five years. It was through his efforts that the name of Wine Hill was given to the town and precinct, and that the post office was established at that place. He also served as the first Postmaster. In 1876,he sold out at Wine Hill and came to Campbell Hill, where he bought out William Mohlenbrock and again embarked in general merchandising. He was located just across the street from his present store, where he continued for five years.
In 1881 Mr. Dudenbostel built a fine brick store and warehouse, 40x60 feet and two stories in height, at a cost of $4,500. He stocked it well with general merchandise and has since carried on trade at this place, doing a business of $15,000 per year. In 1892 he built a fine brick addition to his store at a cost of $2,500. It is 28x34 feet, two stories in height, with a basement, is heated by a furnace and is used as a restaurant. This is the finest store building in the northern part of Jackson County, and its owner has accumulated much land. He recently sold seven farms and still retains two hundred acres.
In 1870 Mr. Dudenbostel married Mary Dettmerr, a native of Randolph County. They had two children, but both are now deceased, and the mother died in 1875. In 1876 our subject married Sophia Knop, also a native of Randolph County. They have eight sons, Louis, Arnold, Edwin, Ernest, Adelbert, Herbert, Barnhardt and Hugo. The parents are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, are very prominent in church work and contribute liberally to its support.
Mr. Dudenbostel is a member of the Masonic fraternity and has served as Senior Deacon. In politics he has always been a stalwart Democrat and does what he can for his party's interest. He is now serving his third term as Supervisor of Bradley Township. In 1892 he was strongly urged to become a candidate for the Legislature, but declined on account of business interests. From 1876 until 1880 he served as Postmaster at Campbell Hill, was again appointed in 1884 for a four years' term, and in 1892 was once more given the position he yet fills. He has several times been President of the Village Board, and in all public positions has discharged his duties with a promptness and fidelity that have won him high commendation. He may truly be called a self-made man, and the success of his life is the just reward of his labors.
Extracted 22 Sep 2016 by Norma Hass from Portrait and Biographical Record of Randolph, Jackson, Perry and Monroe Counties, Illinois, published in 1894, pages 459-460.